State of the Markets: February 7, 2022

In our last post on the January 2022 crash, we went through the process of analyzing the recent market top and following sell signal that triggered within our proprietary set of indicators.

Since then, the market has rallied a few percent from the January lows, but has struggled to regain bullish momentum despite the VIX volatility index retreating, and the bulk of the market stabilizing somewhat, chopping certainly but refusing to set new lows.

Bitcoin & the crypto market have even managed to rally significantly, gaining more than 30% from the recent lows and marching higher by the day.

So what gives? Is the market poised to base and rally, as it has been so prone to do, or is a bear market coming?

As always, we like to throw away bias and turn to the charts so we can let the data be our guide.

As you can see, the data is fairly mixed; some good and some bad. Hence, the market reaction is somewhat mixed, with some good days and some bad days.

The bottom line is that yes, we're running headfirst into a Fed tightening cycle, and money supply is shrinking across the globe. However, tightening cycles aren't all bad, as they generally happen during periods when the economy is strong.

Presently, global economies are recovering from Covid, but also struggling to overcome high inflation, supply chain issues, and labor shortages.

Lastly, our PCRI's indicators suggest that positioning is still protective compared to the last 18 months, but hedges are slowly coming off. That said, today the market turned on a dime and selling pressure completely destroyed the day's gains, closing equities negative, but leaving VIX negative with them.

Our advice to members is simple...the market is indecisive and choppy at best. Therefore, there's no reason to be an active participant until things clear and we have a verified bottom signal, or another moment from which to short.

Sometimes the best trade is no trade at all.